
Living and THRIVING with ADHD!

Hey there! I'm Michelle! I'm a Certified ADHD Life Coach and Executive Function Coach. I’m not here to sugarcoat things, or give you a bunch of salesy stuff—my newsletters are real, raw, and packed with the kind of insights and strategies you probably won't find in many places. Expect a healthy dose of humour, a sprinkle of tough love, and a whole lot of practical strategies to help you navigate life with ADHD. In my corner of the internet, you’ll find no-nonsense strategies, tips and tricks, real talk and honest conversations about the ups and downs of living with ADHD. Combine that with a dash of humour because sometimes, you just need to laugh. Join me if you’re ready for a refreshingly honest approach to ADHD. I’m excited to share what I’ve learned and support you in creating a life that works for you.

A group of golden spoons sitting on top of each other
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It's all about the spoons this week!

Hey there, Reader! It's been a minute, hasn’t it? How have you been doing? I can’t believe how quickly this month has flown by. Seriously, it feels like I blinked, and suddenly, the cooler weather is creeping in. I find myself daydreaming about all things winter - cozy blankets and hot chocolate which is wild, right? And it seems like I’m not the only one thinking about the holidays early this year—I was in Costco the other day, and guess what? Holiday stuff was on full display front and...

A person holding a pen and a sticky note

Hey Reader, If I could listen to your thoughts right now, what do you think I’d hear? Living with ADHD can make it ridiculously easy to beat ourselves up for not fitting in, not being "normal," and a whole lot of other stuff. If you could peek into my brain, you’d definitely hear a whole lot of self-criticism and some not-so-flattering chatter happening at full volume. Isn’t it wild how quickly our brains can jump to that self-judgment? If your mind is anything like mine, just remember:...

Hey Reader, I hope this email finds you in a good place—or at least a place where you've been able to find moments of peace amidst the end of summer/beginning of September chaos. For me, it's been a week of holidays, getting super sick and just feeling overwhelmed by all the things that I scheduled out for myself in the Fall and worrying that I've overcommitted myself. Is it just me? So, suffice it to say that lately, I've been feeling all the ADHD things and just sitting in them feeling...

Sesame Street gif. Cookie Monster jumps and waves, saying, "Hi, ya!"

Hey Reader. I’ve got a whole heck of a lot to do this week and I’m oh-so behind. But I wanted to pop in and say hello anyway. HELLOOOO! Oh, and send you my latest blog post on the one question that has changed how I manage my ADHD. It's about a 4-minute read and it explores how one question has helped me prioritize my own needs, create a sense of structure with flexibility, and dive deep into what truly matters to me with my ADHD. It’s my first blog post in a hot minute so I wanted to share...

Oh No Facepalm GIF

Hey Reader, Lately, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the whole concept of masking. Ever since I received my ADHD diagnosis later in life, I’ve realized I’ve spent so much time trying to fit into this supposed "normal" mold (like, what does 'normal' even mean, anyway?). If you don't know, masking is when someone with ADHD tries to present themselves in a way that hides the fact that they’re navigating life with ADHD so that they can "fit in". It goes by other names like “impression management” or...

Hey Reader. It's Tuesday. Which means I’m sitting down to write you. Because that’s just what I do on Tuesdays. What’s your normal routine? I know routines can be really tricky for us folks who live with ADHD. I know this because I live it. Go ahead! Ask me how many routines I've tried to get going and haven't been able to stick with. So, I know we can have a real love/hate thing with routines and I know it’s easy to have some things fall off. They say habits take 21 days but I DO NOT believe...

Hey Reader, Ever have those nights where you sleep for, like, five minutes, and then an idea pops into your head and keeps you awake? Last night was one of those nights for me. And today? Today, I’ve been reflecting on how important my clients and community (hint: that’s you!) are to me and how much I cherish our deeper connections. This is what brings magic to what I do and keeps me feeling excited about my life as a coach. This also got me thinking about what makes me a better coach and...

Hey Reader, Did you know I once dreamed of being a professional actor? I know it’s not exactly ADHD-related, but it’s always been a big part of my world, and I wanted to share it with you today. Hope that’s cool. Just last week, I was sifting through some of my dad’s old papers and found his old headshots, call sheets, and scripts (yep, he wanted to be an actor too!). It was such a blast learning more about his passion and our shared love for drama. Speaking of learning about new things…I’ve...

Oh hi there Reader. Did you know my first job was a candy girl at a movie theatre? Yep, I had a uniform and everything and guess what? There were no tills! We had to add up the cost of everything in our heads. For someone who has always struggled with math, it was a challenge and I still worry about how much money I may have costed the company because my adding was off! 🤓 But hey, I got free popcorn so that was a win! A lot has changed since then and I have worn many career hats (in true ADHD...

Hey Reader Late last week, a package arrived for me from Amazon. It was two big boxes of clothes hangers. Yep. You read that right. Clothes hangers. About 100 of them. You see, we currently use plain plastic clothes hangers and my clothes are forever slipping off them. So, in true ADHD fashion, I got incredibly frustrated for the 100th time, jumped on Amazon and ordered 100 metal hangers with velvet around them to replace every single hanger in my household because if I'm doing something, I'm...