It's all about the spoons this week!

Hey there, Reader!

It's been a minute, hasn’t it? How have you been doing? I can’t believe how quickly this month has flown by. Seriously, it feels like I blinked, and suddenly, the cooler weather is creeping in. I find myself daydreaming about all things winter - cozy blankets and hot chocolate which is wild, right? And it seems like I’m not the only one thinking about the holidays early this year—I was in Costco the other day, and guess what? Holiday stuff was on full display front and center, no shame about it!

My latest trip to Costco not only enlightened me on what holiday decorations are trending this year but it also afforded me some much-loved time with my hubby. You see, we live on a small island about 20 minutes outside of Vancouver so when we need to go into town, it’s often a full-day affair. We collect all of our ‘to-dos’ and things to pick up and make a long list and then head into town on a morning ferry and begin our, what we call, ‘puttering days’. This might sound mundane and boring but, honestly, these are my favourite days. I’m not sure if it’s the uninterrupted chats with my husband, the satisfaction of ticking things off the list, or a mix of both, but I’m all about it.

So, on our last puttering day, we were chatting about the week coming up and how busy my week is going to be and I made a declaration that flew out of my mouth before I had time to really digest what I was saying. I realized I really need to hit the brakes sometimes and reassess how much I can realistically juggle each week. When life gets hectic, I can easily spiral into feeling overwhelmed. I came to this realization about my “spoons”—you know, that concept of how much mental and emotional energy we have to spend in a day or a week. When I slip back into overcommitting and trying to please everyone, my spoon supply gets drained super quick!

If you’re not familiar with spoon theory, definitely CHECK IT OUT—it’s an eye-opener! My ADHD diagnosis has really helped me tune into my needs and limits, and understanding my spoon count has been a game-changer.

So, here’s the deal—I’ve put together a worksheet to help me keep track of my spoons, and I’d love to share it with you as a little thank you for hanging out here with me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you being here! Seriously! I hope you find this worksheet helpful. You can snag your free download by clicking the button below.

I’d love to hear about your own experiences with managing your spoons and whether the worksheet is useful for you. Hit reply and let’s chat!

Until next time,

Resource Roundup!

What I'm Working On...

Well, in case you can't tell from this email, I'm working on managing my own spoons and balancing that with creating resources for folks like you! I'm super proud of this latest spoons worksheet. I hope you'll give it a try if overwhelm is a part of your life.

Resource/Tip of the Week

I'm always looking for resources to help make my life simpler. Right now, I'm exploring xTiles. It's an all-in-one productivity workspace kind of like Notion but way more user-friendly. I don't know if this is something that will simplify my life or make it more complicated. The jury is still out but check it out if you're interested.

Mindful Minute

Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

Tense and relax each muscle group, starting from your toes and working up to your head, to release physical tension. This is a really great way to melt away stress and anxiety. By deliberately tensing and relaxing your muscle groups, you can encourage deep physical relaxation.

Living and THRIVING with ADHD!

Hey there! I'm Michelle! I'm a Certified ADHD Life Coach and Executive Function Coach. I’m not here to sugarcoat things, or give you a bunch of salesy stuff—my newsletters are real, raw, and packed with the kind of insights and strategies you probably won't find in many places. Expect a healthy dose of humour, a sprinkle of tough love, and a whole lot of practical strategies to help you navigate life with ADHD. In my corner of the internet, you’ll find no-nonsense strategies, tips and tricks, real talk and honest conversations about the ups and downs of living with ADHD. Combine that with a dash of humour because sometimes, you just need to laugh. Join me if you’re ready for a refreshingly honest approach to ADHD. I’m excited to share what I’ve learned and support you in creating a life that works for you.

Read more from Living and THRIVING with ADHD!
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