Setting myself apart right now...

Hey Reader,

Ever have those nights where you sleep for, like, five minutes, and then an idea pops into your head and keeps you awake? Last night was one of those nights for me.

And today? Today, I’ve been reflecting on how important my clients and community (hint: that’s you!) are to me and how much I cherish our deeper connections. This is what brings magic to what I do and keeps me feeling excited about my life as a coach.

This also got me thinking about what makes me a better coach and sets me apart from others. And you know what? The biggest thing I keep coming back to is curiosity.

When I went through my coaching course, we were taught that curiosity was one of the core principles of great coaching. Staying curious during sessions with my clients always leads us to unexpected places and helps them uncover amazing insights and “aha!” moments.

And it’s not just in coaching where curiosity works its magic. I’ve found that bringing this sense of wonder into my personal life makes a huge difference, too. Whether I’m getting worked up over a confusing email or noticing that I’m not taking care of myself like I usually do, staying curious helps me be gentler with myself. It opens up space for exploration and experimentation, and I get to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

So, if you were to ask me what my "secret sauce" is, I think that would be it.

What’s your secret sauce, Reader? Hit reply and share!


Michelle xx

Living and THRIVING with ADHD!

Hey there! I'm Michelle! I'm a Certified ADHD Life Coach and Executive Function Coach. I’m not here to sugarcoat things, or give you a bunch of salesy stuff—my newsletters are real, raw, and packed with the kind of insights and strategies you probably won't find in many places. Expect a healthy dose of humour, a sprinkle of tough love, and a whole lot of practical strategies to help you navigate life with ADHD. In my corner of the internet, you’ll find no-nonsense strategies, tips and tricks, real talk and honest conversations about the ups and downs of living with ADHD. Combine that with a dash of humour because sometimes, you just need to laugh. Join me if you’re ready for a refreshingly honest approach to ADHD. I’m excited to share what I’ve learned and support you in creating a life that works for you.

Read more from Living and THRIVING with ADHD!
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